An international online event:
Treasury of Siddhis
A Virtual Medicine Buddha Retreat,
November 6 to 8, 2020
Led by H.E. Tritsab Gyabra Rinpoche
1) Full-participation in this retreat is via Zoom. Please register at the bottom of this page.
2) Full-participation means being able to attend a minimum of 80% of the "waking-hours sessions" (Opening, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th & Closing sessions— all underlined in the schedule on the left).
3) If you cannot commit to a full-participation, you can join us on Facebook live-streaming whenever you are able to over the weekend.
4) During the sessions, you need to keep your Zoom camera ON (it can be pointed at your retreat-shrine).
5) You are encouraged to set up a retreat-shrine for this program. Guidance & examples will be sent via email in the days leading up to this retreat.
6) You can place any health-supplements and medicine on your retreat-shrine to bless them with the collective accummulation of the Medicine Buddha mantra.
7) Please prepare some tsok-offering for the Closing Session. Guidance will be sent via email.
8) The sadhana & other informtion will be sent to all registered participants.
To register to attend this event over Zoom, enter your email here. If you have the option, please register with your local center.
Suggested donation: $10
There will be the option to make a contribution after you register. If donating at this time is not possible for you, you can still register. Participation is offered freely.